Remote Hydropower O&M Solution Selected as Pilot Demonstration Project by MIIT

Recently, good news came from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) that the Remote Intelligent Hydropower O&M Solution Based on Industrial Internet Platform proposed by Wuling Power Technology Company (Innovation Center) had been selected as one of MIIT's industrial Internet pilot demonstration projects for 2021.

The project proposed by Wuling shows that Wuling has technical advantages and good practical experience in the solution of "Industrial Internet platform + safe production". The project focuses on the tough O&M problems of hydropower projects and aims to improve equipment reliability and increase quality and efficiency. Wuling has developed a number of domestic leading technologies such as big data mining, intelligent perception and trend detection, and developed five intelligent subsystems: remote inspection, equipment diagnosis, condition-based maintenance support, operation optimization and knowledge center, which can promote the shift of hydropower O&M from "on-site" to "remote", provide technical support for intelligent equipment inspection, equipment fault prediction and efficient equipment operation management of hydropower assets, and provide useful insights for the intelligent transition and industrial upgrading of hydropower enterprises. The solution has been successfully put into use in seven hydropower stations, such as Wuqiangxi and Lingjintan, and is expected to generate tens of millions of comprehensive economic benefits per year.